Saturday, November 3, 2012

Prose Writing

You know I've answered this question for many different creative people over several years... the thing is everyone is different and so any advice someone can give is limited and many people thing their method works for everyone and so everyone should do what they do. The truth however is that it depends on the person and how they create and where their mind needs to be at when they do create.

However, there is something of the creative process that needs to be addressed that is generally not thought of...that that there are two different creative processes happening.

Idea Creation and Detailing

That's the best I can come up with in terms f what to call them.
Idea creation can come in the form of doodling randomly, randomly writing down ideas down, or brain storming and pushing yourself to create something or eve writing out the full story. There is an obvious state of mind difference between the two extremes...

The other mode of detailing is where you "finalize" the product. And this can come in the form of writing out the full story to making instinctual changes to what you've done to putting in all the fine detail in the drawing. Again these process have of obvious extremes of state of mind...

Usually i find when I listen to people talking about their process they have both of these areas and have opposite states of mind for either one... For example the person who doodles and comes up with ideas without much thought to do their serious work they need to have their brain focuses where as someone that needs to brain storm and think rigorously about ideas when they actually do their work almost always do it quick off the cuff and with little thought put into it while doing the actual drawing or writing.

Sooo while no one can really say do this or that and you'll get better what they can tell you is, figure out what you need for to optimize yourself for these 2 processes and put yourself into those situations where you're optimizing those situations...

For example, let's say you come up with ideas when you are watching tv, listening to music, etc... have a pad of paper or something with you to jot your ideas down while you're watching tv and listening to music. Since you know this is your trigger it also keeps you from having to take that pad of paper with you every where ^.^

and let's say you need to focus to write your idea out fully... create a room where you can't be interrupted and there is no music, tv, games, etc anywhere near you in this area and go in there and just sit and write.

Or perhaps you need music to focus, then set up a playlist for yourself that last several hours and turn it on and don't touch it till time to stop writing.

What I'm saying is, the trick to being creative is understanding yourself and how your brain works and the exploiting that to put yourself in the optimal position to do what you want to do the best you can...

Also I'm saying people who say to lock yourself in a room till you write something and will never tell anyone anything else aren't exactly correct and more over that could very well be the worst thing you could possibly do to yourself.


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